HELLO! Thanks for connecting! First, help us know you a little better...Don't worry if you are unable to answer a few questions here. We will send you an email to arrange for a time to meet once we have reviewed the information given. (*required) Name* Designation* Email Address* Company Name* Company Location(s) Describe your company's social impact. Who are the beneficiaries? How do you measure the impact you are making on the beneficiaries? FINANCIALS What is the revenues for the most recent month? Year to date revenues?* What is the projected revenues for the next 12 months? Are the revenues recurring in nature? Your Answer Any revenues from grants or subsidies? If so, what is the % What is the current gross margin? What is the current cash burn rate (monthly) for the company? How many months before the company runs out of cash? What are your receivable days? What is the working capital requirement? CAPITAL ACTIVITIES Current fund raising amount & post $ valuation* Your Answer Capitalization Table* Your Answer Last fund raising amount, date, valuation* Your Answer Corporate structure chart* Your Answer Upload any relevant documents